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"I don't want to talk about it"

Faisal, July 5 2024

When I was about 12, I got hit by a car coming back from the mosque. I ran across the road without looking. I remember screaming from the shock, but I didn't cry. The next day I had people coming to me as I was hobbling around in school and asking me how I was. I even had my food tech teacher ask me "What happened to you?", I told her I got hit...

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The Journey

Perfectionism vs Ihsan

Zaynab, April 18 2024

biryani Sometimes the emotions we experience as a result of not meeting the expectations set upon ourselves derive from our need to do things ‘perfectly’. We pride ourselves on doing things smoothly with no mistakes on the way and reprimand ourselves when we find something challenging. I want to explore how the Islamic concept of Ihsan liberates...

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World Affairs

I think of them

Guest Contributor (Anonymous), March 2 2024

From the moment I wake up to the second I drift off to sleep, it's there, a pain has taken hold that refuses to let go. It’s there in the most mundane moments of my day. "Shall we have some tea?" I think of them. I open the tap and water flows freely. I think of them. I might have put too much water in. I think of

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First session

The first counselling session

Zaynab, January 4 2024

The first counselling session starts with setting some ground rules. Your chosen counsellor explains how the sessions work, what you can expect, and, importantly, that whatever you share is kept confidential. They'll try to make you feel comfortable, asking about why you're there, what you hope to achieve, and getting a sense of your life...

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